Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Challenge 5

Huaaaaa.....after such a long thinking and meditation (halah :-P) finally! I know what I want to challenge everyone in the scrapbooking online class, and for the challenge 5.... I want to dare everyone in the class to make a quickpage.....

Quick Pages are pre-designed layouts with a space to add your own photos. Using quick pages is a fast and easy way to complete layouts when you are pressed for time or want a set of pages to coordinate, for example if you are creating a memory book. - as defined by Kristianne Swanson, ACOT CT member.

For this challenge you can use any kits you like since I don't have a kit to share with you yet...hehehehe...

If you don't know how to make a quickpage here are some links that could help you to make one...




If you have done your challenge....there is an overlay that you can use for your paper created by me....just let me know if you have finished your challenge...

By the way...teacher... saya tidak melangkahi guru kan dengan memberikan challenge ini :-D

Oh ya...contoh quickpage bisa dilihat di sini


ini contoh paper menggunakan overlay yang akan aku berikan kepada mereka yang sudah bikin challenge ini....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Got bored and trying to keep my mood on...thus I was practicing the tutorials on how to make element and paper...

So here it is...I made my own round pearl, love gem and stripe paper...as you can see blue is very dominant hehehe...my favorite color

Monday, November 24, 2008

Third Challenge

The third challenge is about monochrome LO. Very challenging indeed...since it's a bit confusing just to decide which color did you want to expose.

I was tempted to highlight the color of the element but then I thought it's better to highlight the color of the story...so here it is....

The story about my eldest son...Rakan.

element and paper taken from Raspberryroaddesigns.blogspot.com

Friday, November 21, 2008

Challenge 2


Who said that copying other peoples' works is easy.... I had difficulty just to copy their style...it is easier just to work with your own idea...free style...hehehehe...

But since the teacher wants to teach us about scrap lift...so here it is... my scrap lift...just for you teacher... I just choose the simple one...

Paper was taken from
doodle garden by http://ditziexx.blogspot.com/

element was taken from July Patchwork (http://julsdigiscrap.over-blog.com/)

Challenge 4

Penasaran sama cara misahin warna...akhirnya ngerjain challenge no 4 duluan hehehehe...
Kok fotonya itu-itu aja seh...lah wong adanya cuma itu...(soalnya ngerjain di kantor dan fotonya adanya cuma yang itu kekekekek) ngerjainnya juga sambil ngobrol ma temen via YM hehehehe...
jadi gak banyak pernak-perniknya deh....

Bu....jangan lupa ya kirim hadiahnya

Oh iya hampir lupa...kreditnya buat

Friday, November 14, 2008

Challenge: Ten Wishes

This lay out is to fulfill the first challenge the teacher given us. I was confused what I wanted to make....after a long search....(halah :-p) I decided to make lay out about my 10 wishes. I am not an ambitious person....I had to think hard just to decide 10 things I want in this live.... and these are what come out... a very simple lay out since I had to catch the deadline and I was doing this during my office hours (aaah...you've got me...cheating the time hehehehehe)

Anyway...this LO is using kits from Amy Teets in Shabbyprincess.com

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes, We Are Family

Tak terasa persahabatan kami sudah berjalan hampir 14 tahun, tapi rasanya baru kemarin kami bersama-sama kuliah, mengerjakan tugas, jalan bareng, nge-gosip, atau sekedar ber ha-ha-hi-hi.... Sulit sekali untuk bisa sering-sering berkumpul dengan mereka, tapi setiap pertemuan menjadi sangat berharga dan yang pasti stress-free.

Sungguh beruntung aku menemukan kalian....you gals are truly my best friends...unfortunately some of us could not come and be in this picture, to share the laughter and happiness we had that night...

Using the cherry limeaide kit from raspberryroaddesign freebies, this is for you...my very best friends....


Gara-gara Bu Guru...jadi seneng nyoba ekstrak foto....trus dipasangin dengan kits dari adeyeo....hasilnya jadi kayak gini deh.....


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ekstrak Gambar

PR ketiga dari Bu Guru....susah menurutku, karena aku kurang telaten orangnya....dan pegeeeeeellllll......hasilnya kayaknya kurang rapi deh...padahal dah di zoom sampe 600 kali. Kalo dirapiin terus...gambarnya jadi abis deh hehehehe...

Bu...ngerapiin pinggirannya sampe kayak gimana sih?

Foto asli

Foto dengan background baru

Rookie mistake....abis extract gambar...eh gak save file yang gambar extractnya aja...tapi malah save gambar yang dah dikasih background baru...terpaksa deh bikin lagi....ini hasil extract-nya aja

Bu...dah disave png. backgroundnya transparan kok di sini backgroundnya jadi putih ya? kalo di flickr pinggirannya malah masih keliatan, kenapa ya? gambar di flickr ada di sini

Skema Warna

Katanya warna mencerminkan karakter seseorang....nah coba deh...kalo liat skema warnaku....karakterku gimana ya.....

Ini PR kedua dari bu guru

Belajar Skrepbuk

Ibu satu ini memang paling bisa mendorong temannya untuk belajar....dari dia juga aku tahu soal scrapbook....mengasyikkan...kadang suka lupa waktu...tapi kadang malas sampai-sampai terlupa semua teori yang pernah di dapat...untung ada ibu ini...jadi semangat lagi deh....

Ini PR pertama yang diberikan oleh ibu itu link dari source-source yang berguna untuk skrepbuker
font high font
quote famousquote
clip art acclipart
photoshop tools brusheezy
overlay scraporchad

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm A Big Boy Now

It's hard to fine digital scrapbook for boys, but this lovely kits have made it possible for me to create a layout for my boys.... I used the kits made by Raspberry Road ....thank you very much for sharing...